
WELL SECURITE is Lynx Network trademark

WELL SECURITE is now your partner in providing and integrating electronic security solutions with higher added value in order to guarantee an efficiency and a productivity gain that will raise you to the top of your activity.


Historic context
The CCTV system currently turns out to be one of the most effective means of monitoring to fight against the insecurity in a public place. Since the 2000s, the cameras are appearing in large numbers in many European cities. Following the terrorist attacks in London, Madrid or New York (the twin towers of World Trade Center), the cameras have played an important role in the investigation that ensued and their installations were democratized.
Thus the reasons for the installation of CCTV systems are diverse, but public safety and the protection of movable or immovable property (private or public) serve as key elements in the objectives of the video monitoring.
However, we realizes that the video allows also an improvement of the management of the incidents as well as an increase in the effectiveness and speed of intervention. It allows indirectly to keep insurance premiums at a reasonable level.
That is why we offer a video monitoring system configured to your needs so you will control the situation permanently:
See everything that happens in real time,
Remote access anywhere,
Discourage bad intentions,
Be alerted via SMS, email, phone, etc.
Record sequences of key images,
Make informed choices.
Message from Director General
Since the events of September 11th, 2001, the post-election crisis in November 2010, the proliferation of terrorism in the sub-region, homeland security has become a major concern for governments, companies and individuals.
A technical and commercial offer is progressively structured on the international plan to meet the needs of these different concerns.
Lynx Network under the trademark Well Sécurité has chosen to position itself on very specific crenels, where greater demands have been identified and for which there is a lack of offers from major traditional actors from the world security and safety.
To these crenels, Lynx Network aims technical excellence. For this, it is organized around clusters competences, which include the best specialists and partners by matching their expertise in the following areas:
Access control,
Time management,
Security intrusion alarm
Geolocation and tracking.
Lynx Network
Electronic security company specializing in reliable and scalable integrated security solutions, personalized, that are based on ICT through Hertzian beams, fiber optics, 3G, WiMAX and CDMA.
Lynx Network is now your security partner of choice in the supply and integration of electronic security solutions with high added value in order to guarantee efficiency and productivity gains that will raise you to the top of your company.
Keep control over your family and your property wherever you go with your smarthphone, it's now possible while benefiting from the assistance of our experts in the definition of your security strategy.

Our solutions


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Our offers

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